We are thrilled to announce CCNB’s 2024 Corpsmembers of the Year! Yessica in Sonoma County, and Gaby in Marin County, were selected in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments, their drive, and their contributions to fellow corpsmembers and the organization.

About Gaby:

Since she started at CCNB a little over a year ago, Gaby has always been a corpsmember staff can rely on. Soon after, she earned the role of Safety Officer; she takes a lot of pride in it and is consistently finding new ways to improve this position to ensure the crew stays safe while out in the field.

A dedicated student, Gaby has earned many certificates, including several industry-recognized certifications such as Sawyer, Sawyer II, Forklift, and OSHA-10, among many others. She has also made strides as a student at John Muir Charter School. Last fiscal year, she received the most school credits out of all corpsmembers in our program. Recently, she signed up for ESL classes at College of Marin, hoping to polish her English skills to secure her dream job.

“CCNB has opened a lot of doors for me,” Gaby shared with us, “I am forever grateful to CCNB.”

About Yessica:

Yessica came to CCNB with the main goal of obtaining her high school diploma. Nonetheless, as part of both our Zero Waste and Natural Resources crews, including the Sonoma County Youth Ecology Crew, she accomplished impressive feats. “I got every single certificate [CCNB] has to offer,” she said.

In just her first three months in our programs, she was offered an Assistant Crew Leader position, which she recalls as a highlight of her time with us. “I liked motivating other corpsmembers at work and in school.” She also recalls receiving similar support from CCNB: “I had staff members at CCNB that were very supportive and got me through personal issues—having support through CCNB really helped.” She earned her high school diploma last November, and she is excited about successfully navigating this barrier that prevented her from applying to jobs she was interested in. “When I go to a job interview I know what to say. The certificates make me a better applicant too,” she said.

“I loved meeting the people that I met, and the friends that I made. It was like my second family,” she said.
Congratulations, Gaby and Yessica, on being named Corpsmembers of the Year!