CCNB’s Ecology Intern Crew, which is comprised of corpsmembers with formal education in ecology, forestry, and other natural sciences to assist with habitat monitoring, ecological studies, public education, and other tasks that require a high level of scientific training, recently kicked off their term of service to the public lands of Marin County. This skilled group of young adults will spend a full year together, working with sponsors including the National Parks Service, California Coastal Conservancy, Marin County Parks, and many more. They’ll receive training while working on projects including forest inventories, erosion surveys, climate change adaptation strategies, and bird surveying.
The group’s first project took place in partnership with Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) and involved corpsmembers conducting cross-section surveys on Redwood Creek in Muir Woods. These important surveys provide baseline data that allow GGNRA staff to assess erosion and creek health.