Giving corpsmembers the opportunity to transform their lives is at the center of CCNB. It’s just as important to give them the resources to transform our future in the face of climate change. Our most recent partnership with Daily Acts exemplifies the best of both of these activities: the development of skills that will lead us to a more sustainable living environment.

Corpsmembers are taking part in the installation of rain gardens, rainwater tanks, laundry-to-landscape systems, grey-water reuse systems, as well as planting, drip irrigation, and sheet mulching at various sites in Petaluma. Led by Daily Acts staff and contractors on site, the experts oversee the projects and corpsmembers learn by doing. Youth are actively involved in the manual installation of these systems in conjunction with comprehensive trainings that will round out a host of skills in sustainable practices for their future.

In addition to learning technical skills in installation of sustainable landscaping systems, corpsmembers are also exposed to the logic behind small-scale climate solutions feasible for the average home. This project employs Watershed Progressive’s Land Resilience Partnership model and directly benefits Petaluma residents, with the hope that this model will reverberate beyond its local setting to bring us closer to increasingly climate-resilient communities.

While these projects have a multitude of benefits, like aiding with water conservation, they also help corpsmembers learn skills around urban habitat creation and fire resilience. Corpsmembers will take the knowledge and skills with them to their future careers.

This invaluable experience for local youth is made possible by the strong support from our friends at Daily Acts, who understand the urgency of transforming our communities directly with sustainability projects, and the importance of long-term investment in young people. Corpsmembers will enter our workforce with robust capabilities to guard our communities off from the effects of climate change. 

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